Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud

La misión principal del Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de O’Higgins es realizar investigación que busque dar respuestas a las necesidades de salud de la Región y del país, que se caracterice por ser pertinente y útil, de tipo multidisciplinario y vinculado a redes de colaboración internacional. Este conocimiento pondrá la creación e innovación al servicio de las personas y del desarrollo regional, con proyección nacional e internacional.

El Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud también contribuirá a la formación de profesionales de la salud con gran compromiso social, con sólidas bases científicas y un fuerte sentido público.

Equipo Administrativo

Daniela ReyesCoordinadora ejecutiva
María Ester GonzálezAsistente de Gestión
Camila LatapiattAsistente de Investigación en Ciencias Aplicadas
Isidora VillagránAsistente de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas
Oriana RamírezAsistente de Investigación Fondecyt
Diana PonceEncargada de Laboratorio
Gabriela EspinozaCoordinadora URO 2295 (Focos)


  • Enero 2024
Proyecto Adjudicado

The quality of fetal and early post-natal environment influences lifelong health and predicts the risk for a range of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs). These observations form the basis of the "Developmental Origins of Health and Disease" (DOHaD hypothesis), which indicates that the intrauterine signals that compromise fetal growth also act to "program" tissue differentiation in a manner that predisposes later illnesses. Interestingly, the DOHaD hypothesis asserts that some aging-associated diseases that occur in adults are closely related to the development and conditions in the intrauterine environment. Thus, aging and aging-associated diseases can be viewed, at least in part, as the result of a developmental program activated early in embryogenesis and persists throughout the organism's lifespan. On the other hand, one of the main consequences of this programming is Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR) and which remains a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality, affecting about 10% of pregnancies, but the incidence is reportedly sixfold greater in low-income countries depending on the region surveyed's nutrition and health access availability. FGR is clinically defined as a fetal weight below the 10th percentile of normal for gestational age, associated with some loss of fetal-placental blood flow diagnosed by ultrasound, and it is a condition in which the potential growth of the fetus is negatively influenced by environmental and maternal factor; the short-term consequences of FGR are low birth weight (LBW) and the corresponding phenotype, which is associated with increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. Besides, the long-term effects include a 2 to 3-fold increase in the risk of developing cerebrovascular disease in adulthood. Indeed, many neurodevelopmental dysfunctions originated in the antenatal period, but few studies have focused on how growth restriction interferes with normal brain development of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in the FGR neonate. The BBB is a cellular network formed by a monolayer of neuro-endothelial and mural cells. The BBB regulates the transport of molecules into and out of the central nervous system (CNS) (selective permeability and integrity of the BBB). In cerebrovascular aging, BBB breakdown and dysfunction lead to leakages of components into the central nervous system (CNS), contributing to neurological deficits; growing evidence from genomic data shows that FGR vascular dysfunction is mediated by aging, with a series of prominent hallmarks, including genetic and epigenetic alterations. These aging-associated epigenetic changes include DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNA (ncRNA) regulation; however, how this mechanism regulates the aging process and contributes to aging-related BBB dysfunction remains elusive. We hypothesize that the impaired fetal growth conditions associated with epigenetic programming of aging-related DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, and miRNA-omic profile of complex junctional genes in the neuro-endothelium, which can alter BBB integrity and permeability, increasing cerebral damage which impacts the perinatal and adulthood neurocognitive function. This hypothesis will be addressed by the study of the effects of gestational chronic hypoxia on the aging epigenetic programming of gene expression of junctional complexes: Tight junction, adherens junction, and Gap junction family’s molecules, as important regulators of the permeability para and transcellular of the BBB. For this, we will use a well-established Guinea pig model of cerebrovascular programming (DOHaD model) to demonstrate DNA methylation shift, chromatin remodeling, miRNA-omic profile, and transcriptomic analyses in neuro-endothelial cells isolated from cortex and hippocampus from animals gestated under hypobaric hypoxia at two stages of life (juvenile period and adulthood). The methodology for this project is an in vivo assess locomotor, exploratory activity, and memory acquisition evaluation, and in vitro determinations of epigenetic regulation of aging in BBB from the cortex, hypothalamus, and neuro- endothelial cell culture primary at different stages of life in animals gestated under hypoxia. Our expected outcome is to improve the knowledge about neuro-endothelial epigenetic programming by aging induced by the FGR and enhance the characterization of those epigenomic patterns and mechanisms associated with BBB breakdown by intrauterine hypoxia. This project aims to demonstrate that the effect of gestational hypoxia can accelerate the permeability of the BBB by epigenetic mechanisms not yet studied and that these changes continue throughout life, producing further deterioration of brain function
Co-Investigador/aInvestigador/a Responsable
  • Enero 2024
  • - Enero 2027
Proyecto Adjudicado

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for 74% of worldwide human deaths, with cardiovascular causes in the first place (1). NCDs are determined by a combination of environmental, genetic and epigenetic factors. In fact, adverse intrauterine conditions, such as reduced oxygen availability (hypoxia) and oxidative stress, can increase the risk of developing diseases during life, a phenomenon known as Fetal Programming or Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). Intrauterine hypoxia (IUH) affects most of the pregnancies in high altitudes populations (> 2500m) (2-4) and 3-4% in lowlands, with uteroplacental and developmental complications (4,5). We, and a couple of others, have recently shown that IUH determines cardiovascular oxidative stress during lifespan affecting endothelial function and vasodilator capacity, similar to what is seen with aging. The hypoxia-induced responses during development are responsible for fetal survival, but also determine mechanisms that program postnatal cardiovascular function that may increase cardiovascular health risks and accelerate aging (6). This proposal aims to determine the mechanisms and trace the origins and outcomes of cardiovascular dysfunction resulting from intrauterine hypoxia and oxidative stress, and further identify the interrelated senescence mechanisms in the heart and blood vessels. To assess the aforementioned, we will study the effects of IUH on cardiovascular aging along lifespan, as important regulators of the function, structure and biomechanical properties of the cardiovascular system.
Responsable Alterno
  • Enero 2024
Proyecto En Ejecución

The brain is an energy intensive organ that requires a robust supply of nutrients and oxygen. The vasculature irrigating the brain is a huge and complex network of blood vessels fulfilling this requirement, while also protecting the neural tissue from blood-borne toxic substances. This regulated nutrient supply is accomplished by the formation of a highly selective molecular barrier, termed the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Dysfunction of the BBB or malformations of the vascular network are associated with pathological conditions that impair brain function, and can lead to death. Thus, appropriate morphogenesis and establishment of the brain vasculature is necessary for a healthy life. The brain vasculature forms during intrauterine development, matching brain growth in this same period. Anatomically, blood vessels grow first surrounding the brain primordium and then penetrate the parenchyma until they vascularize the periventricular zone. The molecular regulation of this patterned growth is not completely understood. Several signaling pathways are known to be involved in brain angiogenesis, including WNT, TGF-β, Hh, and NOTCH, which differentially regulate vascular growth. Recently, cholesterol has been shown to modulate angiogenic growth in other vascular beds by regulating the activity of the NOTCH pathway, suggesting that cholesterol levels could influence developmental angiogenesis in the brain. Interestingly, cholesterol is also required for signal transduction of the Hh pathway. In preliminary in vitro experiments, we have observed that brain endothelial cells activate an angiogenic program after cholesterol depletion. Here, we will extend those studies to in vivo models to determine the role of cholesterol in developmental brain angiogenesis. We propose that an increase in vascular cell cholesterol activates NOTCH and attenuates Hh signaling pathways, restricting sprouting angiogenesis and blood-brain barrier formation in mouse embryo brain vasculature. To test this hypothesis, we will study mouse embryos with altered cholesterol levels by dietary, pharmacological, and genetic manipulations. We expect these manipulations to induce a reduction or an increase in cholesterol levels in the brain vasculature during embryonic development, which we will evaluate by measuring cholesterol content in isolated vascular fragments. In all these models, we will (Specific aim 1) study vascularization in the brain during intrauterine development using immunofluorescence with specific antibodies against endothelium proteins. In addition, we will measure the levels of transcript and proteins of general key regulators of angiogenesis in isolated vascular fragments, using qPCR and Western blot. We will (Specific aim 2) also evaluate the state of the BBB in the brain vasculature of these models at a fetal stage when the barrier is already formed and functional. For this, we will use immunofluorescence to detect the presence of marker proteins of the BBB in vascular fragments, and we will measure their levels by Western blot. Further, we will test the functionality of the barrier by injecting a fluorescent tracer and evaluating its extravasation in the brain. Finally, we will (Specific aim 3) determine the activation of the NOTCH and Hh pathways in the brain vasculature of the models at the stage of maximal angiogenesis. We will use qPCR and Western blot to measure the levels of marker genes and proteins for these two pathways in vascular fragments, and Proximity Ligation In Situ Hybridization in tissue sections to evaluate the transcript levels of those markers in situ. We expect that the different models of dietary, pharmacological, and genetic interventions will increase or reduce cholesterol levels in the brain vasculature. These changes are expected to correlate with opposing effects on angiogenesis in the brain during development (i.e. low cholesterol will increase angiogenesis, while high cholesterol will inhibit it). In the same way, we expect that distinct cholesterol levels will have opposing effects on the integrity of the BBB. These changes in angiogenesis and BBB function are expected to be associated with concomitant disruption of the NOTCH and Hh pathways. In summary, in this proposal we aim to cover a knowledge gap regarding the role of cholesterol in the regulation of developmental angiogenesis in the brain. These experiments may uncover new mechanisms driving vascular growth and barrier establishment in the brain, which could lead to new strategies for the prevention and treatment of pathologies involving the brain vasculature.
Investigador/a ResponsableInvestigador/a Responsable
  • Enero 2024
Proyecto Adjudicado

The proposal focuses on understanding the neuro-vascular aging mechanisms associated with alterations in fetal growth by intrauterine hypoxia using molecular biology and physiology as an area. The aim of the study is to demonstrate that impaired fetal growth conditions are associated with epigenetic programming of aging-related DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, and miRNA-omic profile of junctional complex genes in the neuroendothelium, which can alter BBB integrity and permeability, increasing cerebral damage which impacts the juvenile and adulthood neurocognitive function.
  • Enero 2024
  • - Enero 2028
Proyecto En Ejecución

Analizar los procesos de enseñanza, integración curricular, evaluación y acreditación en carreras del área de salud en grado y posgrado y su relación con la trayectoria académica de los estudiantes y la actividad docente en Argentina y Chile.
  • Enero 2024
  • - Enero 2027
Proyecto Adjudicado

Frailty is increasingly becoming an important public health challenge worldwide because it is associated with older age, and with adverse outcomes such as reduced quality of life, increased mortality rates, hospitalizations, falls, depression, and dementia. Frailty is defined as dynamic state affecting an individual who experiences losses in one or more domains of human functioning (physical, psychological, social) that are caused by the influence of a range of variables, and which increases the risk of adverse outcomes. This more integral conceptual definition promotes the collaboration of scientists, social and behavioral professionals as well as clinicians from diverse specialties. In this proposal an interdisciplinary group (Biochemistry, Geriatric, Occupational Therapist, Kinesiologist, social worker, bioengineer, statistician among others) aims to evaluate frailty in Chile with a biopsychosocial approach with the final purpose to identify and manage frailty while taking into consideration all the dimensions. Additionally, we aim to design a multidomain personalized person-base intervention for a healthy aging that can uncover a circulating microRNA biomarker panel that can allow an early-detection of frailty, leading to a new multidimensional geriatric assessment. We propose the following hypothesis: A personalized multidimensional training program reduces the frailty prevalence, increasing adherence and participation in the program among community-living older adults. This intervention will be paralleled by a distinctive miRNA profile reflecting the multiple domains of frailty, as well as improvements in diverse psychosocial traits.
Investigador/a Responsable


  • REVISTA Nutrients
  • 2024

The Neuroprotective Role of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Wild) Supplementation in Hippocampal Morphology and Memory of Adolescent Stressed Rats

• Gonzalo Benjamín Terreros Hernández • Miguel Ángel Pérez • Pablo Muñoz-Llancao • Amanda D’Espessailles • Enrique A. Martínez

  • REVISTA Frontiers in Public Health
  • 2024

Community strategies for health promotion, prevention, and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases with a focus on physical activity and nutrition: The URO/FOCOS study protocol

• Matías Monsalves Álvarez • María Teresa Solís Soto • Alejandro A. Candia Henriquez • Emilio Jofré Saldía • Gabriela A.a Espinoza

  • REVISTA Frontiers in Public Health
  • 2024

Community strategies for health promotion, prevention, and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases with a focus on physical activity and nutrition: The URO/FOCOS study protocol

• Matías Monsalves Álvarez • María Teresa Solís Soto • Alejandro A. Candia Henriquez • Emilio Jofré Saldía • Gabriela A.a Espinoza

  • REVISTA Frontiers in Public Health
  • 2024

Community strategies for health promotion and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases with a focus on physical activity and nutrition: the URO/FOCOS study protocol

• Matías Monsalves-Álvarez • María Teresa Solis-Soto • María Soledad Burrone • Alejandro A. Candia • Emilio Jofré-Saldía

  • REVISTA Frontiers in Public Health
  • 2024

Community strategies for health promotion, prevention, and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases with a focus on physical activity and nutrition: The URO/FOCOS study protocol

• Matías Monsalves Álvarez • María Teresa Solís Soto • Alejandro A. Candia Henriquez • Emilio Jofré Saldía • Gabriela A.a Espinoza

    • REVISTA Cell Reports
    • 2024

    A comparative evaluation of the strengths and potential caveats of the microglial inducible CreER mouse models

    • Nicolás Santander Grez •


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    Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud