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    • REVISTA Psyecology
    • 2025

    Does Being Vegetarian Make You Boyfriend Material? Investigating the Role of Dietary Preferences on Mate Appeal

    • Gonzalo Palomo Vélez • Tara McGuicken • María Esperanza Echenique •
    • REVISTA Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación - e Avaliação Psicológica
    • 2024

    Propiedades Psicométricas de la Escala de Actitudes y Creencias Heteronormativas (HABS) en Español: Dos Estudios con Muestras Universitarias Chilenas

    • Ligia Orellana • Tatiana Alarcón • Berta Schnettler • Leonor Riquelme-Segura • Marcos Mora


    • REVISTA Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal
    • 2024

    “Respect existence or expect … resilience?” epistemic reflexivity towards liberated disaster studies

    • Ricardo Fuentealba Fuentes •


    • REVISTA British Journal of Social Psychology
    • 2024

    Beyond normative and non-normative: A systematic review on predictors of confrontational collective action

    • Mete Sefa Uysal • Patricio Saavedra Morales • John Drury •


    • REVISTA Psychological Science
    • 2024

    Effects of voice pitch on social perceptions vary with relational mobility and homicide rate

    • Consortium authorship (41 authors) • Gonzalo Palomo Vélez •


    • REVISTA Environmental Research Communications
    • 2024

    Trusting the minister or trusting the mayor? perceived competence and integrity of central and local institutions in energy matters

    • Gonzalo Palomo Vélez • Goda Perlaviciute • Nadja Contzen • Linda Steg •


    • REVISTA Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal
    • 2024

    "Respect existence or expect <i>… resilience</i>?" epistemic reflexivity towards liberated disaster studies

    • Ricardo Fuentealba Fuentes •


    • REVISTA European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
    • 2024

    In the Shadows of Tungurahua. Disaster Politics in Highland Ecuador

    • Ricardo Fuentealba Fuentes •


    • REVISTA Polis: Revista Latinoamericana
    • 2024

    Editorial lente de aproximación: hacia una reflexión crítica de los desastres desde América Latina

    • Valentina Acuña • Ricardo Rivas • Ricardo Fuentealba Fuentes •


    • REVISTA Revista de Geografía Norte Grande
    • 2024

    Un ‘Giro espacial’ en los estudios de estrategia sindical: posiciones, movilizaciones y comunidades

    • Domingo Pérez Valenzuela •