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    • REVISTA Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin

    Cultural Collectivism and Tightness Moderate Responses to Norm Violators: Effects on Power Perception, Moral Emotions, and Leader Support

    • Ana Figueiredo •


    • REVISTA International Journal of Transitional Justice

    Tracing Mapuche Exclusion from Post-Dictatorial Truth Commissions in Chile: Official and Grassroots Initiatives

    • Ana Figueiredo • daniela jara • Manuela Badilla • Marcela Cornejo • Victoria Riveros


    • REVISTA Journal of Social and Political Psychology

    Collective memories and present-day intergroup relations: Introduction to the Special Thematic Section

    • Ana Figueiredo • Borja Martinovic • Jonas Rees • Laurent Licata •


    • REVISTA International Journal of Intercultural Relations

    Collective memories of colonialism and acculturation dynamics among Congolese immigrants living in Belgium

    • Ana Figueiredo • Géraldine Oldenhove • Laurent Licata •


    • REVISTA Contention

    The abortion referendum in Portugal: The influence of psychosocial variables in the voting intentions and behaviour of Portuguese youth

    • Ana Figueiredo • Jorge Silva •


    • REVISTA Peace and Conflict: The Journal of Peace Psychology

    Too Long to Compensate? Time Perceptions, Emotions, and Compensation for Colonial Conflicts.

    • Ana Figueiredo • Joaquim Pires • Bertjan Doosje •


    • REVISTA Journal of Moral Education

    Humiliated self, bad self or bad behavior? The relations between moral emotional appraisals and moral motivation

    • Ana Figueiredo • Mia Silfver • Johnny Fontaine • Florencia M. Sortheix •


    • REVISTA International Journal of Conflict and Violence

    Group-based compunction and anger: Their antecedents and consequences in relation to colonial conflicts

    • Ana Figueiredo • Pires Valentim • Bertjan Doosje •


    • REVISTA Psychologica

    Theories on intergroup relations and emotions: A theoretical overview

    • Ana Figueiredo • Joaquim Pires Valentim • Bertjan Doosje •


    • REVISTA Estudos de Psicologia

    Psychosocial explanations in research articles in Psychology: the Portuguese case and comments to Torres & Neves

    • Ana Figueiredo • Joaquim Pires Valentim • Teresa Forte •
