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    • REVISTA Learning and Motivation

    An extinction cue does not necessarily prevent response recovery after extinction

    • Javier Bustamante • Consuelo San Martín • Mario A. Laborda • Gonzalo Miguez •


    • REVISTA Frontiers in Psychology

    Reminder Cues Modulate the Renewal Effect in Human Predictive Learning

    • Javier Bustamante • Metin Üngör • Prof. Dr. Harald Lachnit •


    • REVISTA Learning & Behavior

    Extinction in multiple contexts: Effects on the rate of extinction and the strength of response recovery

    • Javier Bustamante • Metin Üngör • Anna Thorwart • Prof. Dr. Harald Lachnit •


    • REVISTA Revista de psicología (Santiago)

    Una revisión de Historia local de la Psicología: Discusiones teóricas, metodológicas y experiencias de investigación (1ª Ed.)

    • Javier Bustamante •


    • REVISTA Cuadernos de Neuropsicología

    Crónica del Laboratorio de Psicología Experimental: Prof. Ronald Betancourt Mainhard (período 1999 – 2016)

    • Daniela Lira • Javier Bustamante • Vanetza E. Quezada • Mario A. Laborda • Gonzalo Miguez


    • REVISTA Psykhe

    An Evaluation of the Effects of D-Cycloserine on Operant Learning and Response Recovery

    • Consuelo San Martín • Felipe Alfaro • Javier Bustamante • Mario A. Laborda • Jorge Mallea


    • REVISTA Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior


    • Francisca Bertin • Javier Bustamante • Rocío Angulo • Mario A. Laborda • Gonzalo Miguez


    • REVISTA Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior

    Classical Conditioning

    • Jorge Mallea • Javier Bustamante • Gonzalo Miguez • Mario A. Laborda •


    • REVISTA Revista Interamericana de Psicología/Interamerican Journal of Psychology

    Adult attachment and perceived social support among adults with problematic substance use

    • Camila Espinoza Chaparro • Romina Pavez González • Rosario Spencer Contreras • Andrés Fresno Rodríguez • Gonzalo Palomo Vélez


    • REVISTA Current Opinion in Psychology

    The evolutionary psychology of climate change behaviors: Insights and applications

    • Gonzalo Palomo Vélez • Mark van Vugt •
