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    • Marzo 2016
    Proyecto Adjudicado

    Fondecyt de Iniciación año 2015 N°11150679. CONICYT. Proyecto titulado: Role of Fur in the systemic response of Enterococcus faecalis and its impact on in vivo infectiveness under different nutritional status of iron. Instituciones patrocinantes: Universidad de Chile y Universidad de O’Higgins. Marzo 2015-Diciembre 2018.
    Investigador/a Responsable
    • Marzo 2016
    Proyecto Ejecutado

    • Enero 2016
    Proyecto Ejecutado

    • Enero 2016
    Proyecto Finalizado

    Desarrollo de un modelo numérico de aguas subterráneas de las Planicies de Adelaida, Australia.
    • Enero 2016
    • - Enero 2020
    Proyecto Finalizado

    Desarrollo de tecnologías de modelación para evaluar y optimizar sistemas de recarga artificial
    Co-Investigador/aInvestigador/a Responsable
    • Enero 2016

      • Noviembre 2015
      Proyecto Ejecutado

      Waves are ubiquitous in nature. They are all around us in our daily lives, we find them in several contexts, in particular in fluids. They usually involve a complex variety of interaction processes, and di↵erent mechanisms. Of our particular inter- est is the case of waves at the interface between two fluids when they are perturbed. When strongly forced, the nonlinear interactions can produce a turbulent-like regime called wave turbulence. Theoretical, numerical and experimental studies have made a great deal of progress on this subject, and yet, there are several aspects that have not been properly addressed, namely the role of viscosity on the energy flux as it cascades through di↵erent scales or the physical origin of the intermittency phenomenon. In this proposal, we will consider the problem of capillary wave turbulence from an experimental and numerical point of view. One of the main complications to study surface wave turbulence is that, in the same system, there is involvement of di↵erent types of waves, such as the case of gravito-capillary wave turbulence. Thus, it becomes of foremost importance to study wave turbulence on the presence of only one type of waves. Thereby, in order to study pure capillary wave turbulence, gravity waves must be negligible. We propose to study a system of capillary surface waves at the interface of two immiscible and incompressible fluids, water and silicon oil, of almost equal densities and layer depths, thus preventing the action of gravity. By changing the kinematic viscosity ⌫, and density ⇢ of both fluids, it is possible to control the relation between injected and dissipated power, thus exploring several regimes in a simple and controlled way. We pose to implement the technique called Free-surface synthetic Schlieren that allows a reconstruction of the instantaneous surface topography. Velocity fields will be explored by using the standard Particle Image Velocimetry. We will make use of an already existing experimental setup which will be modified in order to accomplish these techniques adequately. With these measurements we will be able to compute the spectrum in frequency f and wavevector k, hence accessing to statistical and dynamical properties of capillary wave turbulence, such as intermittency, or the function of the injected power on the system. We also propose to use the open source solver GERRIS and make a systematic study on the role of viscosity on the cascading of the energy flux.
      Investigador/a Responsable
      • Julio 2015
      Proyecto Ejecutado

      Institución: Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile Descripción: Fondo para comprar un amplificador de potencia para realizar experiencias hardware- in-the-loop. Tareas principales: . Escritura del proyecto. . Dise˜ no del setup experimental y especificación de equipamiento para realizar experiencias hardware- in-the-loop.
        • Julio 2015
        Proyecto Ejecutado

        Institución: Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile Descripción: Fondo para comprar un amplificador de potencia para realizar experiencias hardware- in-the-loop. Tareas principales: . Escritura del proyecto. . Dise˜ no del setup experimental y especificación de equipamiento para realizar experiencias hardware- in-the-loop.
          • Mayo 2015
          Proyecto Ejecutado

          The Chilean Coastal Orographic Precipitation Experiment (CCOPE) was conducted during the austral winter of 2015 (May–August) in the Nahuelbuta Mountains (peak elevation 1.3 km MSL) of southern Chile (38ºS). CCOPE used soundings, two profiling Micro Rain Radars, a Parsivel disdrometer, and a rain gauge network to characterize warm and ice-initiated rain regimes and explore their consequences for orographic precipitation