
Ingeniero Agrónomo y Licenciado en Ciencias Agronómicas de la Universidad de La Frontera. Doctorado en Ciencias de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de La Frontera. Asistente de investigación de la Universidad de La Frontera. Manejo y gestión ambiental de residuos orgánicos, biogeoquímica de suelos.



  • REVISTA Horticulturae
  • 2023

Evaluation of Compost and Biochar as Partial Substitutes of Peat in Growing Media and Their Influence in Microbial Counts, Enzyme Activity and Lactuca sativa L. Seedling Growth

• Amanda Rozas • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Carlos Maldonado • Rodrigo Iván Contreras Soto • Jorge Medina

  • REVISTA Land
  • 2022

Changes in Soil Quality of an Urban Wetland as a Result of Anthropogenic Disturbance

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  • 2021

Effect of Poultry Manure Compost and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Cu Immobilization and Soil Microbial Communities in a Cu-Contaminated Soil Using the Metallophyte Oenothera Picensis

• Sebastián Meier • Francisca Moore • Naser Khan • María Eugenia González • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola

  • REVISTA Agronomy
  • 2021

Utilization of Inorganic Nanoparticles and Biochar as Additives of Agricultural Waste Composting: Effects of End-Products on Plant Growth, C and Nutrient Stock in Soils from a Mediterranean Region

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola • Marcela Calabi-Floody • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Christian Javier Santander Castro • Marina Paneque

  • REVISTA Land Degradation & Development
  • 2020

Soil quality indices for metal(loid) contamination: An enzymatic perspective

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola • Benjamin Butler • Sebastián Meier • Pablo Cornejo

  • REVISTA Journal of Environmental Management
  • 2020

Influence of saprophytic fungi and inorganic additives on enzyme activities and chemical properties of the biodegradation process of wheat straw for the production of organo-mineral amendments

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Journal of Environmental Management
  • 2020

Influence of inorganic additives on wheat straw composting: Characterization and structural composition of organic matter derived from the process

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Environmental Geochemistry and Health
  • 2019

Effects of three biochars on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal-contaminated soil using a metallophyte and two agricultural plants

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Waste Management
  • 2019

Optimization of wheat straw co-composting for carrier material development

• Marcela Calabi-Floody • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola • Jonathan Suazo • Manuel Ordiqueo • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz

  • REVISTA Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • 2017

Microscopic and spectroscopic characterization of humic substances from a compost amended copper contaminated soil: main features and their potential effects on Cu immobilization

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Advances in Agronomy
  • 2017

Smart Fertilizers as a Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science
  • 2015

Interactive effect between Cu-adapted arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and biotreated agrowaste residue to improve the nutritional status ofOenothera picensisgrowing in Cu-polluted soils

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Waste Management
  • 2015

Crop residue stabilization and application to agricultural and degraded soils: A review

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  • 2015

Arbuscular mycorrhizal status of pioneer plants from the mouth of lake Budi, Araucanía Region, Chile

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Science of The Total Environment
  • 2014

Evaluation of biodegradable polymers as encapsulating agents for the development of a urea controlled-release fertilizer using biochar as support material

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Mycotaxon
  • 2014

<I>Corymbiglomus pacificum</I>, a new glomeromycete from a saline lakeshore in Chile

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • REVISTA Chilean journal of agricultural research
  • 2013

Effects of Soil Aluminum on Early Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization of Wheat an Barley Cultivars Growing in an Andisol

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola •

  • Enero 2023
  • - Enero 2026
Proyecto Adjudicado

Proyecto enfocado en el estudio de principales humedales de la región de O'Higgins
  • Enero 2023
  • - Enero 2024
Proyecto En Ejecución

Proyecto en red que agrupa a universidades del consorcio del estado para fomentar el desarrollo sostenible en las instituciones de educación desde la gestión y diferentes practicas. Mi rol en el proyecto es de coordinador institucional y participo en el OE2
  • Abril 2022
  • - Enero 1970
Proyecto Adjudicado

Proyecto que aborda el uso del compost como sustrato en la viverización de especies nativas. Se participó en el diseño y desarrollo de la propuesta pero finalmente se optó por ser prestadores de servicios, además de montar los ensayos asociados al proyecto.
  • Marzo 2022
Proyecto Adjudicado

Proyecto presentado a FIA por COAGRICAM en el que participo como asociado y cuyo objetivo es sentar la línea base de los principales residuos agrícolas generados por la producción hortícola de la región de O'Higgins, para hacer un tratamiento apropiado de estos y promover la circularidad y el manejo sostenible de los suelos de la región.
  • Enero 2022
Proyecto Adjudicado

Co-Investigador/aInvestigador/a Responsable
  • Enero 2022
  • - Enero 2024
Proyecto En Ejecución

Sistema Articulado de Investigación en Cambio Climático y Sustentabilidad de Zonas Costeras de Chile CUECH/RISUE RED21992
  • Enero 2022
  • - Enero 2024
Proyecto En Ejecución

Sistema Articulado de Investigación en Cambio Climático y Sustentabilidad de Zonas Costeras de Chile CUECH/RISUE RED21992
  • Marzo 2021
Proyecto En Ejecución

Responsable Alterno
  • Noviembre 2020
  • - Octubre 2023
Proyecto Adjudicado

Soils constitute the largest terrestrial organic carbon (C) pool, which is three times the amount of CO2 currently in the atmosphere and several times the current annual fossil fuel emissions. Thus, increasing net soil C storage can represent a substantial C sink potential with the concomitant effect in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under climate change scenario. Soils in central areas of Chile showed very low organic C levels as consequence of an intensive activity of different industries such as agriculture and mining. In this sense, the high incorporation of agrochemicals in conventional and intensive agriculture and the inadequate disposal of wastes in mining operations can negatively impact the different natural and agro-ecosystems, with detrimental effects on the soil ranging from erosion, loss of organic matter (OM) and C, and a large accumulation of trace elements, which ultimately results in a significant decrease in the quality of this resource. A significant increase in the accumulation of a wide range of heavy metals in the soil, including copper, lead, cadmium and zinc among others have been widely described and associated to mining and agricultural industries. On the other hand, under the context of sustainable agriculture, the use of agricultural wastes and thus the recycling of nutrients through biotechnological strategies is receiving increasing attention. Globally, the annual production of agricultural residues is approximately 3.7 Pg of dry matter. Straw, roots, stems and other tissues of corn, wheat and rice, are the main annual crop residues, which represent approximately 40.6%, 24.2% and 15.7%, respectively, of world production. Moreover, according to the literature, approximately 3.8 billion tons of livestock (pig and cow) and poultry manure is produced annually. For the sustainable management of these residues, aerobic composting has served as technological approach to transform this organic material into soil amendments used to increase C stock and improve different physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. However, some type of composts is degraded relatively fast under field conditions producing important nutrient losses and GHG emissions among others. The utilization of clay minerals and recalcitrant C sources as pyrogenic C (biochar) produced by pyrolysis, have gained increasing interest as additives of composting operations, due to their influence in the reduction of GHG emissions and their effectivity in the stabilization of C both in compost and soils, leading to a cleaner compost production (reduced in emissions and leaching) and potentially C sequestrant amendments. In our previous research we reported an increase in the stabilization of C during the composting of beef manure and wheat straw mixtures and the potential sequestration of C once end-products were applied to grassland soil by the effect of halloysite (nanoclay) and oat-based biochar applied as additives. Therefore, and taking into account the positive effect related to the utilization of these additives in the composting mixture, to know how the composting process of pig manure-slurry (which is highly in heavy metal contents and GHG and odors emissions) and corn stubble can be affected by the utilization of these additives (e.g., biochar and halloysite nanoclay) in the stability of the final product has not been studied yet and result as an interesting topic of research. Moreover, the influence of additives in GHG emissions, odors, C stabilization, metal availability and the main physico chemical and biological properties during the process of composting of these organic material mixtures is also not known. Furthermore, to understand how the incorporation of this additives can also contribute in the accumulation of C and potential C sequestration once end-products are applied to metal polluted soils, and how the produced amendments affects the metal availability in soil also needs to be elucidate. Hence, this proposal suggests as main objectives 1.- To study the influence of oat based-biochar and halloysite nanoclay as additives in the composting of pig manure-slurry/corn stubble and 2.- To evaluate the effects of the end-products from composting process in the restoration of metal polluted soils from mining and agricultural industries. In a first stage, a composting study using agricultural waste co-composted with biochar and nanoclays will be conducted wherein C stabilization and gas emissions will be analyzed. Then, in order to determine the decomposition and the environmental impacts of compost in soils such as nutrient leaching and gas emissions, the produced compost will be mixed with soil and incubated. Finally, with the aim to analyze the impacts of compost in metal availability in heavy metal polluted soil, a mesocosm experiment under greenhouse conditions, and field trials will be conducted. For a better understanding of C stabilization, GHG emission, heavy metal availability and the potential mechanisms associated to the process, analytical techniques such as stable C isotope ratios (δ13C), CPMAS13CNMR spectroscopy and ICP-OES spectroscopy will be used in collaboration with the Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla, Spain (IRNAS-CSIC) and ICA-CSIC Madrid. It expects that the use of described additives will improve the composting of pig manure-slurry mixture producing amendments able to be efficiently used in the remediation of contaminated soils by increasing the preservation of C and reducing the availability of heavy metals minimizing its environmental impacts and losses
Responsable AlternoCo-Investigador/a
  • Abril 2020
  • - Abril 2023
Proyecto En Ejecución

  • Abril 2020
  • - Abril 2022
Proyecto En Ejecución

  • Marzo 2018
Proyecto Ejecutado

  • Marzo 2017
  • - Marzo 2020
Proyecto Ejecutado

  • Noviembre 2015
  • - Noviembre 2018
Proyecto Ejecutado

  • Noviembre 2011
  • - Noviembre 2015
Proyecto Ejecutado

  • Abril 2011
  • - Noviembre 2011
Proyecto Ejecutado
