Humberto Aponte Profesor Asistente

Humberto Aponte
Grado Académico

Doctor en Ciencias de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de la Frontera

Título(s) Profesional

Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales, Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda. Venezuela


Licenciado en Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Venezuela. Diplomado en Competencias Pedagógicas para Profesionales no Docentes de la Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador,

Venezuela. Magister en Ciencias mención Ecología del Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Centro de Ecología. Doctor en Ciencias de Recursos Naturales, Universidad de la Frontera.




  • REVISTA Agronomy
  • 2024

Evaluation and Selection of Bromegrass Genotypes under Phosphorus and Water Scarcity towards the Development of Resilient Agriculture Focusing on Efficient Resource Use

• Sebastián Meier • Pedro M. de Souza Campos • Arturo Morales • Rafael López-Olivari • Fernando Ortega-Klose

  • REVISTA Agricultural Water Management
  • 2024

Genotypic responses to phosphorus and water management in winter wheat: Strategies to increase resource use efficiency and productivity

• Sebastián Meier • Pedro Campos • Arturo Morales • Claudio Jobet • Rafael López-Olivari

  • REVISTA Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment
  • 2024

Effects of sustainable agricultural practices on soil microbial diversity, composition, and functions

• Pedro Mondaca • Juan L. Celis-Diez • Pablo Díaz-Siefer • Natalia Olmos-Moya • Fernanda Montero-Silva

  • REVISTA Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal
  • 2024

Soil Quality Indices Based on Biological Properties to Assess Chemical Soil Degradation by Metal(loid)s

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Minerva Cordoves-Sánchez • Christian Santander • Hendrik Sulbarán • Claudia Macarena Rojas Alvarado

  • REVISTA Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  • 2024

Enhancing Soil Carbon Sequestration with C-Rich Carrier Materials from Spent Mushroom Substrate and Composted Wheat Straw: Implications for Smart Fertilizer Design

• Marcela Calabi-Floody • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola • Alan E. Richardson • María Javiera Guarda-Reyes • Pamela Villegas-Pizarro

  • REVISTA ACS Sustainable Resource Management
  • 2024

The Use of Grape Pomace as Soil Fertilizer: A Microcosm Study on Available C and N and Consequences for Microbial Biomass, Structure, and Catabolic Responses

• Sven Korz • Shamima Parvin • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Christian Buchmann • Dörte Diehl

  • REVISTA Toxics
  • 2024

Optimizing Heavy Metal Uptake in Carpobrotus aequilaterus Through Electrokinetic Treatment: A Comprehensive Study on Phytoremediation from Mine Tailings

• Yasna Tapia • Osvaldo Salazar • Oscar Seguel • Jonathan Suazo-Hernández • Diego Urdiales-Flores

  • REVISTA International Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • 2024

Copper bioavailability and phytotoxicity in Chilean agricultural soils: implications for sustainable fruit production

• Rosanna Ginocchio • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Alexander Neaman • Luz María de la Fuente • J. Tomás Schoffer

  • REVISTA Rhizosphere
  • 2023

Assembly between wheat cultivars and soil microorganisms modulates phosphorus and water use efficiency

• Sebastián Meier • Pedro de Souza Campos • Rubén Palma-Millanao • Arturo Morales • Juan Hirzel

  • REVISTA Horticulturae
  • 2023

Evaluation of Compost and Biochar as Partial Substitutes of Peat in Growing Media and Their Influence in Microbial Counts, Enzyme Activity and Lactuca sativa L. Seedling Growth

• Amanda Rozas • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Carlos Maldonado • Rodrigo Iván Contreras Soto • Jorge Medina

  • REVISTA Siembra
  • 2023

Efecto de la labranza y fertilización nitrogenada en los cultivos de fréjol y maíz sobre indicadores biológicos de la calidad de un suelo andino del Ecuador

• Leyda Llanga • María Eugenia Avila-Salem • Fabián Montesdeoca • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Lenin Ron-Garrido

  • REVISTA Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • 2023

Meta-analysis of metal nanoparticles degrading pesticides: what parameters are relevant?

• Wence Herrera • Joelis Vera • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Edward Hermosilla • Paola Fincheira

  • REVISTA Forests
  • 2023

Microbial Community and Enzyme Activity of Forest Plantation, Natural Forests, and Agricultural Land in Chilean Coastal Cordillera Soils

• Yessica Rivas • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Diego Rivera-Salazar • Francisco Matus • Oscar Martinez

  • REVISTA Agronomy
  • 2023

Noticeable Shifts in Soil Physicochemical and Biological Properties after Contrasting Tillage Management in Crop Rotations of Bean, Maize, and Amaranth in Ecuadorian Highland Soils

• María Eugenia Avila-Salem • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Fabián Montesdeoca • Narcisa Urgiles Gómez • Dayana Cruz

  • REVISTA Microorganisms
  • 2023

Biochemical, Catabolic, and PGP Activity of Microbial Communities and Bacterial Strains from the Root Zone of Baccharis linearis in a Mediterranean Mine Tailing

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Yoelvis Noe Sulbaran Bracho • Pedro Mondaca • Catalina Vidal • Rodrigo Perez

  • REVISTA Plants
  • 2023

Beneficial Interactive Effects Provided by an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Yeast on the Growth of Oenothera picensis Established on Cu Mine Tailings

• Rodrigo Perez • Yasna Tapia • Mónica Antilén • Antonieta Ruíz • Paula Pimentel

  • REVISTA Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  • 2022

Testing the Model Efficiency of HYDRUS 2D/3D Under Desert Conditions for Water Content and Pore Electrical Conductivity: a Case Study in an Olive Orchard

• Carlos Faundez Urbina • Mauricio galleguillos • Cristian kremer • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Marco Garrido

  • REVISTA Agricultural Water Management
  • 2022

Synergistic role between phosphorus and water use efficiency in spring wheat genotypes

• Sebastián Meier • Arturo Morales • Rafael Alejandro López-Olivari • Ivan Matus • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz

  • REVISTA Frontiers in Microbiology-Systems Microbiology
  • 2022

Microbial community-level physiological profiles and genetic prokaryotic structure of burned soils under Mediterranean sclerophyll forests in central Chile

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Tania Galindo • Carolina Yáñez • Martin Hartmann • Claudia Macarena Rojas Alvarado

  • REVISTA Plant, Soil and Environment
  • 2022

Copper content in soils and litter from fruit orchards in Central Chile and its relationship with soil microbial activity

• Tomás Schoffer • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Alexander Neaman • Luz María de la Fuente • Eduardo Arellano

  • REVISTA Brazilian Journal of Biology
  • 2022

Community structure of benthic invertebrates in the Allipén River basin, North Patagonia, Araucania region (38º S, Chile)

• Katherin Solis-Lufí • María Jesús Suazo • María Eugenia Avila-Salem • C. Maldonado-Murúa • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz

  • REVISTA Plants
  • 2022

Management of Rhizosphere Microbiota and Plant Production under Drought Stress: A Comprehensive Review

• Catalina Vidal • Felipe González • Christian Javier Santander Castro • Rodrigo Perez • Victor Gallardo

  • REVISTA Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
  • 2021

Effect of Poultry Manure Compost and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Cu Immobilization and Soil Microbial Communities in a Cu-Contaminated Soil Using the Metallophyte Oenothera Picensis

• Sebastián Meier • Francisca Moore • Naser Khan • María Eugenia González • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola

  • REVISTA Agricultural Water Management
  • 2021

Interactive role between phosphorus utilization efficiency and water use efficiency. A tool to categorize wheats co-adapted to water and phosphorus limiting conditions

• Sebastián Meier • Francisca Moore • Arturo Morales • Claudio Jobet • Rafael Alejandro López-Olivari

  • REVISTA Fungal Ecology
  • 2021

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal abundance in elevation belts of the hyperarid Atacama Desert

• Christian Javier Santander Castro • Susana García • Jorge Moreira • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Paola Araneda Cid

  • REVISTA Science of The Total Environment
  • 2021

Enzyme activities and microbial functional diversity in metal(loid) contaminated soils near to a copper smelter

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Pedro Mondaca • Christian Santander • Sebastián Meier • Jorge Paolini

  • REVISTA Agronomy
  • 2021

Utilization of Inorganic Nanoparticles and Biochar as Additives of Agricultural Waste Composting: Effects of End-Products on Plant Growth, C and Nutrient Stock in Soils from a Mediterranean Region

• Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola • Marcela Calabi-Floody • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Christian Javier Santander Castro • Marina Paneque

  • REVISTA Land Degradation & Development
  • 2020

Soil quality indices for metal(loid) contamination: An enzymatic perspective

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola • Benjamin Butler • Sebastián Meier • Pablo Cornejo

  • REVISTA Methods in Molecular Biology
  • 2020

Visualization of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Extraradical Hyphae and Spores Vitality and Activity

• Pablo Cornejo • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz

  • REVISTA Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
  • 2020

Alteration of enzyme activities and functional diversity of a soil contaminated with copper and arsenic

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Wence Giuseppe Herrera • Clare Cameron • Helaina Black • Sebastián Meier

  • REVISTA Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
  • 2020

Interactive effect of compost application and inoculation with the fungus Claroideoglomus claroideum in Oenothera picensis plants growing in mine tailings

• Rodrigo Perez • Yasna Tapia • Mónica Antilén • Manuel Antonio Casanova • Catalina Vidal

  • REVISTA Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
  • 2020

Synthesis of calcium borate nanoparticles and its use as a potential foliar fertilizer in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo)

• Sebastián Meier • Francisca Moore • Arturo Morales • María Eugenia González • Alex Seguel

  • REVISTA Science of The Total Environment
  • 2020

Meta-analysis of heavy metal effects on soil enzyme activities

• Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Paula Meli • Benjamin Butler • Jorge Paolini • Francisco Javier Matus

  • REVISTA Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering
  • 2020

New approaches for evaluation of soil health, sensitivity and resistance to degradation

• Yakov Kuzyakov • Anna Gunina • Kazem Zamanian • Jing Tian • Yu Luo

  • REVISTA Waste Management
  • 2019

Optimization of wheat straw co-composting for carrier material development

• Marcela Calabi-Floody • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola • Jonathan Suazo • Manuel Ordiqueo • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz

  • #635276
  • Noviembre 2024 - Enero 2024
En EjecuciónUniversidad de O'Higgins

Los microplásticos son partículas de plástico con un tamaño entre 0.1 μm y 5 mm, los cuales han recibido una amplia atención debido a sus posibles efectos sobre los organismos vivos, la contaminación de los ecosistemas, la baja tasa de reciclaje, su fácil transporte y su interacción con contaminantes orgánicos e inorgánicos. Los microplásticos son considerados contaminantes emergentes, pues, sus efectos sobre los organismos aún no han sido totalmente descritos. Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que los diversos aditivos que poseen los plásticos (por ejemplo, bisfenoles, ftalatos, irganox) afectan negativamente a diversos organismos, con potenciales efectos adversos para la salud humana. Por otra parte, a medida que los microplásticos sufren el proceso de envejecimiento o degradación por efecto de las condiciones ambientales, estos poseen una mayor área superficial y reactividad, lo que promueve su interacción con otros contaminantes inorgánicos (por ejemplo, metales pesados) y orgánicos (por ejemplo, hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos). Por lo tanto, los microplásticos poseen diversos riesgos para los organismos que no se conocen a profundidad, lo que requiere un mayor esfuerzo investigativo a nivel mundial. Si bien la problemática de la contaminación por microplásticos es de conocimiento público, su estudio se ha enfocado en los ecosistemas marinos, específicamente en el agua, arena de playa en la línea costera y diversos organismos, con poco esfuerzo de muestreo en otras matrices ambientales como los suelos, aguas continentales y la atmósfera. Esta última es de gran importancia ya que, debido al bajo tamaño y densidad del microplástico, este puede ser resuspendido en la columna de aire, siendo fácilmente transportado desde el suelo a la atmósfera y siendo expuestos a los organismos vivos. Es por esto que el material particulado proveniente de eventos de deposición húmeda y seca es considerado como un gran aporte de microplásticos en sistemas terrestres y acuáticos, lo que es de gran relevancia cuando se considera la interacción del microplástico con elementos potencialmente tóxicos como metales u otras moléculas orgánicas. Por lo tanto, la literatura reciente en el área de los microplásticos muestra un incremento en las investigaciones del microplástico atmosférico, pues, es este el que finalmente es inhalado directamente por los seres vivos. En Chile, a pesar de ser el país en América Latina que más genera plásticos de un solo uso, y que además posee comunas ubicadas entre las 10 ciudades más contaminadas de dicha región, los estudios sobre microplásticos son escasos. Cabe destacar que esta categorización está asociada a la calidad del aire, por lo que la presencia del material particulado es un problema significativo. En este contexto, no existen estudios publicados a nivel nacional que evalúen el microplástico atmosférico, por lo que tampoco existe evidencia sobre la interacción entre dicho plástico y otros contaminantes. Esto aplica para la Región de O’Higgins, la cual, al ser una región minera y agrícola, es esperable que presente microplásticos en el material particulado, con la posible interacción con elementos potencialmente tóxicos, especialmente en los asentamientos con mayor densidad poblacional y desarrollo. Por lo tanto, la presente propuesta busca evaluar la ocurrencia y características de microplásticos presentes en el material particulado en una zona urbana y periurbana de la Región de O’Higgins, considerando su interacción con elementos potencialmente tóxicos, la estacionalidad y los eventos de deposición húmeda y seca. Para esto se integrarán disciplinas cómo el estudio de la meteorología, la química analítica y la contaminación ambiental. Se colectará y analizará el material particulado de forma mensual cada dos meses durante un año, esto para detectar, cuantificar e identificar los microplásticos presentes debido a eventos de deposición húmeda y seca. Se instalarán colectores pasivos de material particulado en las inmediaciones de la Universidad de O’Higgins (Campus Rancagua, Campus Colchagua, Estación Experimental Choapinos, Chapetón). Las partículas de microplásticos serán analizadas mediante espectroscopia FT-IR/ATR y/o con detector FPA. Posterior a la identificación de los tipos de polímeros, las partículas se analizarán con el microscopio de barrido para evaluar la presencia de metales en la superficie del microplástico. Además, se realizará una extracción con solventes para el análisis de hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos y bisfenoles policlorados presentes en el microplástico mediante un GC-MS. Finalmente, se realizarán diversos modelos para detectar los mejores predictores meteorológicos y poblacionales para predecir la deposición del microplástico en el material particulado por efecto de la deposición húmeda y seca. Se espera someter un artículo científico con los resultados de este proyecto para el último año de ejecución, y además se busca que este proyecto fortalezca el estudio de los microplásticos en la Universidad de O’Higgins, siendo soporte significativo para futuras postulaciones en equipamiento especializado e investigaciones de gran novedad internacional. Por último, este proyecto sentará las bases para una futura investigación que evalúe de forma directa e indirecta los efectos del microplástico en la salud humana de las comunidades de la Región de O’Higgins.
Investigador/a Responsable
  • LINCG24018
  • Julio 2024 - Enero 2024
AdjudicadoCSIC España

Proyecto de colaboración internacional entre España, Chile, Argentina y Ecuador. El proyecto aborda la recuperación de suelos degradados a través del uso de enmiendas orgánicas.
  • #635276
  • Abril 2024 - Enero 2024
En EjecuciónAgencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo - ANID

Microplastics (MPs) are plastic particles that range in size from 0.1 μm to 5 mm. They have received widespread attention in the global environmental science community due to their potential effects on living organisms, ecosystem pollution, low recycling rate, and interaction with organic and inorganic contaminants. Although much research has been focused on MPs in aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems have been largely overlooked. Consequently, there is still scarce knowledge on the sources and occurrence of MPs in soils. After being deposited in soil, MPs undergo an aging process that involves the breakdown of their polymeric chains, which promotes the interaction between MPs and organic and inorganic contaminants. This process further increases the toxicity of MPs when they sorb pollutants from the environment, which can be transported to water bodies and living organisms. However, research regarding the aging of MPs and their toxicity is needed since previous studies do not consider realistic soil conditions. Additionally, interactions between MPs and pollutants have been primarily studied for conventional MPs, with scarce research on such topics for degradable MPs, especially concerning interactions with metal(loid)s. In general, the interaction of degradable MPs with other contaminants and their further toxicity have been overlooked. MPs have been shown to negatively affect some physical, chemical, and biological soil properties. However, results varied between studies, which have been associated with the type and shape of MPs, soil aggregate structure, porosity, water and oxygen availability, among others. More research is needed to confirm such relationships in soils. Previous studies have been mainly performed in Europe and Asia, with scarce research in Latin America. In Chile, only one study has been conducted on MPs in soils at field conditions, with other two studies regarding the effect of MPs and metals on soil biochemical properties under controlled environments. Therefore, considerable efforts should be taken to study MPs in Chilean soils. Thus, this study aims to address these gaps by considering some realistic approaches that are missing from current research on MPs. Specifically, this research will: 1) assess MPs in soils from different land uses and examine their association with soil properties; 2) evaluate degradable MPs; 3) study the ageing and adsorption capability of different MPs to metal(loid)s in soils; and 4) investigate the interactive effect of MPs and metal(loid)s under realistic conditions (including a real dose of MPs and metal(loid)s, temperature fluctuations, and soils from different land use types). By taking these steps, this study will provide novel insights into the occurrence of MPs in Chilean soils and shed light on the dynamics of soil microbial communities in the presence of MPs and metal(loid)s. Based on the above, the proposed research aims to evaluate the effect of different types of MPs and their interaction with metal(loid)s on the soil community structure and functionality from different land use types under realistic conditions. The hypothesis is that MPs will negatively affect soil microbiome structure and functionality due to changes in soil physicochemical properties, which will be moderated by changes in the type, doses, ageing of MPs and their interactions with metal(loid)s in soil from different land type uses. This proposal will be conducted in the O’Higgins Region (VI) of Chile. Firstly, in Phase 1, six localities from different land use types will be selected: an urban wetland, agricultural field, and sclerophyll forest. Soil samples will be taken to quantify and characterize the types of MPs in soil. Secondly, in Phase 2, the evaluation of different types of aging of MPs (conventional and degradable) on chemical characteristics of such particles will be performed, which is based on the ability of MPs as carriers of metal(loid)s. With information and soils obtained from Phase 1, a realistic experimental approach will be performed in the Phase 3. These include the evaluation of aged MPs (degradable and non-degradable) on soil physicochemical and biochemical properties, and the study of degradable and non-degradable aged MPs with metal(loid)s on the functionality, structure, and co-occurrence patterns of soil microbial communities. These phases are designed to be performed over three years. This is the first study focused on the evaluation the effect of MPs and metal(loid)s on microbial communities of soils from different land use types in Chile.
Responsable Alterno
  • #635276
  • Enero 2023 - Enero 2024
FinalizadoAgencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo - ANID

Promover una alianza nacional e internacional con el fin de fortalecer la red de colaboración en el sistema suelo–planta para la generación sustentable e inocua de alimentos, mediante la aplicación de estrategias biotecnológicas y académicas, con foco en el cambio climático y prevención de contaminantes emergentes, como las micotoxinas.
Responsable Alterno
  • #635276
  • Enero 2022 - Diciembre 2024
En EjecuciónMinisterio de Educación

Sistema Articulado de Investigación en Cambio Climático y Sustentabilidad de Zonas Costeras de Chile CUECH/RISUE RED21992
  • #635276
  • Abril 2021 - Abril 2024
FinalizadoAgencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo - ANID

Mining activities have discharged large amounts of wastes or mine tailings to the environment, which represent an important environmental issue. Mine tailings are mainly characterised by poor physicochemical properties that limit the plant establishment and development. The most negative property in these mine wastes is the high content of metals and metalloids [metal(loid)s], which are often highly toxic due to acid pH that increases metal(loid) bioavailability. This negatively affects living organisms and ecological functioning since soil microorganisms are pioneer colonisers that mediate the plant establishment. Also, mine tailings are usually deposited in abandoned locations of large land cover; from where, due to their physical characteristics, they can be transported by air and water, affecting communities and the environment in surrounding areas. There are several industrial strategies focused on the physical and chemical management of mine tailings, but these are highly expensive and occasionally not effective. These strategies have not been suitable techniques to reduce negative impacts of mine tailings on the environment. In this context, biological approaches, such as phytoremediation, have been proposed as more appropriate strategies due to low cost, easy applicability, and promising results. Nevertheless, most of the studies focused on phytoremediation of mine tailings, especially Chilean studies, have been performed in laboratory conditions. Although these studies show promising conclusions, in many cases unsuccessful results are obtained at field conditions, mainly due to laboratory experiments do not consider the dynamic field variability and potential ecological interactions. Based on the above, the proposed research aims to evaluate the effect of the initial addition of organic-mineral amendments and the bioaugmentation of microbial communities with “core microbiome” from the root-zone of native herbaceous on the growth and development of native plants and microbial communities at copper mine tailings. We hypothesise that the growth and development of native plants in mine tailings will be promoted by the improvement of physicochemical properties of modified mine tailings (incipient technosols) through the addition of organic-mineral amendments, and the bioaugmentation of microbial communities with “core microbiome” involved in plant fitness obtained from copper mine tailings and surrounding soils. To evaluate the mentioned hypothesis, this study will be executed in three phases: 1) Initial field characterisation: this will be done for mine tailings and soils under sclerophyllous forest; 2) Collection and recruitment of “core microbiome”: this will study the composition, function, and interactions of “core microbiome” obtained from the root-zone of native herbaceous established on mine tailings and soils under sclerophyllous forest, by which a laboratory-scale assay it is needed to produce inoculum of such ecological units (cores); 3) Restoration field experiment: this consists on the field establishment of native herbaceous species by bioaugmentation with “core microbiome” from root-zone mine tailings and root-zone soil on incipient technosols produced by the addition of organic-mineral amendments on mine tailings. These phases are designed to be performed in three years. This study can provide insights of the promotion of ecological process and natural resilience on microbial communities of mine tailings and surroundings, which can allow the initial plant establishment a development for later possible plant recruitment from the native sclerophyllous forest. This would also evaluate whether mine tailings can be in situ managed instead of been totally removed, which implies high costs and workflow to enterprises. Additionally, this study would represent the first approach of the evaluation of the biological functioning and composition of microbial communities from root-zone mine tailings in Chile, from its current state to the subsequent restoration process.
Investigador/a Responsable
  • 2023

Use of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Remediating Soils Constrained by Metal(loid) Contamination

Désde la página 65, hasta la página 75
CRC Press
Nanthi Bolan, M. B. Kirkham
Sebastián Meier, Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz, Naser Khan, Paula Cartes, Pablo Cornejo, Jorge Medina, Alexander Neaman
  • 2022

Soil biodiversity in Chile: current scenario and future challenges

Désde la página 65, hasta la página 75
Laura Bertha Reyes-Sánchez, Rainer Horn, and Edoardo A.C. Costantini
Claudia Macarena Rojas Alvarado, Carolina Merino, Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz, Carolina Yáñez
  • 2020

Visualization of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Extraradical Hyphae and Spores Vitality and Activity

Désde la página 65, hasta la página 75
Springer Nature
Laura Bertha Reyes-Sánchez, Rainer Horn, and Edoardo A.C. Costantini
Pablo Cornejo, Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz