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    • REVISTA Horticulturae
    • 2023

    Evaluation of Compost and Biochar as Partial Substitutes of Peat in Growing Media and Their Influence in Microbial Counts, Enzyme Activity and Lactuca sativa L. Seedling Growth

    • Amanda Rosario Rozas Núñez • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Carlos Maldonado • Rodrigo Iván Contreras Soto • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola

    • REVISTA Horticulturae
    • 2023

    Evaluation of Compost and Biochar as Partial Substitutes of Peat in Growing Media and Their Influence in Microbial Counts, Enzyme Activity and Lactuca sativa L. Seedling Growth

    • Amanda Rosario Rozas Núñez • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Carlos Maldonado • Rodrigo Iván Contreras Soto • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola

    • REVISTA Biological Research
    • 2023

    DNA sequencing in the classroom: Complete genome sequence of two earwig (Dermaptera; Insecta) species

    • Sanae Kobayashi • Johnatan Maldonado • Christian Hodar • Paula Andrea Irles Ivanac •

    • REVISTA Rhizosphere
    • 2023

    Assembly between wheat cultivars and soil microorganisms modulates phosphorus and water use efficiency

    • Sebastián Meier • Pedro de Souza Campos • Rubén Palma-Millanao • Arturo Morales • Juan Hirzel

    • REVISTA Siembra
    • 2023

    Efecto de la labranza y fertilización nitrogenada en los cultivos de fréjol y maíz sobre indicadores biológicos de la calidad de un suelo andino del Ecuador

    • Leyda Llanga • María Eugenia Avila-Salem • Fabián Montesdeoca • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Lenin Ron-Garrido

    • REVISTA Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    • 2023

    Meta-analysis of metal nanoparticles degrading pesticides: what parameters are relevant?

    • Wence Giuseppe Herrera • Joelis Vera • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Edward Hermosilla • Paola Fincheira

    • REVISTA Restoration Ecology
    • 2023

    Fall fertilization during nursery production increases nitrogen status of <i>Purshia tridentata</i> seedlings: implications for outplanting

    • Kasten R. Dumroese • Yan Zhu • Manuel Acevedo Tapia • Jeremiah R. Pinto • Carolina Álvarez Maldini

      • REVISTA Forests
      • 2023

      Microbial Community and Enzyme Activity of Forest Plantation, Natural Forests, and Agricultural Land in Chilean Coastal Cordillera Soils

      • Yessica Rivas • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Diego Rivera-Salazar • Francisco Matus • Oscar Martinez

      • REVISTA Scientia Horticulturae
      • 2023

      A meta-analysis on rootstock-induced effects in grafted watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus)

      • Jacob Mashilo • Hussein Shimelis • Rodrigo Iván Contreras Soto • Richard Mantlo Ngwepe •

      • REVISTA International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
      • 2023

      Photorhabdus aballayi sp. nov. and Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. venezuelensis subsp. nov., isolated from Heterorhabditis amazonensis entomopathogenic nematodes

      • Ernesto San Blas •