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    • REVISTA Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal
    • 2024

    Soil Quality Indices Based on Biological Properties to Assess Chemical Soil Degradation by Metal(loid)s

    • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Minerva Cordoves-Sánchez • Christian Santander • Hendrik Sulbarán • Claudia Macarena Rojas Alvarado

    • REVISTA Crop & Pasture Science
    • 2024

    Evaluation of strategies to improve the quality of Tanzania grass (Megathyrsus maximum) silage with increasing levels of mata-pasto hay (Senna obtusifolia)

    • Rosane C. Rodrigues • Bruno Eduardo Caxias Miranda • Edson Mauro Santos • Francisco Naysson de Sousa Santos • Eduarda Castro Silva

    • REVISTA Agronomy
    • 2024

    Silicon-Mediated Adjustments in C:N:P Ratios for Improved Beetroot Yield under Ammonium-Induced Stress

    • Dilier Olivera Viciedo • Daimy Salas Aguilar • Renato De Mello Prado • Kolima Peña Calzada • Alexander Calero Hurtado

    • REVISTA Frontiers in Chemical Biology
    • 2024

    A mini review of mycotoxin’s occurrence in food in South America in the last 5 years: research gaps and challenges in a climate change era

    • Claudia Foerster Guzmán • Andrea Müller-Sepúlveda • Marina Venturini Copetti • Andrea Alejandra Arrúa • Liliam Monsalve

    • REVISTA Euphytica
    • 2023

    Inheritance for resistance to leaf curl [Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul.] in peach cultivars estimated by exploring mixed models

    • Edgardo Giordani • Stefania Nin • Valter Nencetti • Giuseppe Padula • Catalina Javiera Pinto Palacios

    • REVISTA Plants
    • 2023

    Rootstocks comparison in grafted watermelon under water deficit: effects on the fruit quality and yield

    • Carolina Morales • Camilo Andrés Riveros Burgos • Felipe Ignacio Espinoza Seguel • Carlos Maldonado Muñoz • Jacob Mashilo

    • REVISTA Plants
    • 2023

    Rootstocks comparison in grafted watermelon under water deficit: effects on the fruit quality and yield

    • Carolina Morales • Camilo Andrés Riveros Burgos • Felipe Ignacio Espinoza Seguel • Carlos Maldonado Muñoz • Jacob Mashilo

    • REVISTA Plants
    • 2023

    Rootstocks comparison in grafted watermelon under water deficit: effects on the fruit quality and yield

    • Carolina Morales • Camilo Andrés Riveros Burgos • Felipe Ignacio Espinoza Seguel • Carlos Maldonado Muñoz • Jacob Mashilo

      • REVISTA Horticulturae
      • 2023

      Evaluation of Compost and Biochar as Partial Substitutes of Peat in Growing Media and Their Influence in Microbial Counts, Enzyme Activity and Lactuca sativa L. Seedling Growth

      • Amanda Rosario Rozas Núñez • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Carlos Maldonado • Rodrigo Iván Contreras Soto • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola

      • REVISTA Horticulturae
      • 2023

      Evaluation of Compost and Biochar as Partial Substitutes of Peat in Growing Media and Their Influence in Microbial Counts, Enzyme Activity and Lactuca sativa L. Seedling Growth

      • Amanda Rosario Rozas Núñez • Humberto Nicolás Aponte Díaz • Carlos Maldonado • Rodrigo Iván Contreras Soto • Jorge Felipe Medina Otárola