Nicolás Santander Grez Profesor Asistente

Nicolás Santander
Grado Académico

Doctor en Ciencias Médicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Título(s) Profesional

Bioquímico, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Mi investigación se centra en la función vascular en condiciones fisiológicas y patológicas, principalmente en los mecanismos adaptativos relacionados con la hipoxia y el estrés oxidativo en el período prenatal y sus efectos a corto y mediano plazo en el sistema cardiovascular y cerebral (DOHaD hypothesis).




  • REVISTA Cell Reports
  • 2024

A comparative evaluation of the strengths and potential caveats of the microglial inducible CreER mouse models

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Nature
  • 2024

Structural and molecular basis of choline uptake into the brain by FLVCR2

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Cell Reports Medicine
  • 2024

Dysregulation of FLVCR1a-dependent mitochondrial calcium handling in neural progenitors causes congenital hydrocephalus

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Antioxidants
  • 2024

Oxidative Stress in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: Impact of Combined Oral Contraceptives

• Francisca Salas • Nicolás Santander Grez • Esteban Figueroa Becerra • Alejandro González • Alejandro González

  • REVISTA Molecular Nutrition & Food Research
  • 2023

A Quinoa Protein Hydrolysate Fractionated by Electrodialysis with Ultrafiltration Membranes Improves Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in a Mouse Model of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Nature Immunology
  • 2023

APOE4 impairs the microglial response in Alzheimer’s disease by inducing TGFβ-mediated checkpoints

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology
  • 2022

Implications of High-Density Cholesterol Metabolism for Oocyte Biology and Female Fertility

• Andreina Arias • Alonso Quiroz • Nicolás Santander Grez • Eugenia Morselli • Dolores Busso

  • REVISTA International Journal of Molecular Sciences
  • 2022

Transcriptional and Epigenomic Markers of the Arterial-Venous and Micro/Macro-Vascular Endothelial Heterogeneity within the Umbilical-Placental Bed

• German A. Arenas • Nicolás Santander Grez • Bernardo Krause

  • REVISTA Translational Stroke Research
  • 2021

Bone Marrow-Derived Alk1 Mutant Endothelial Cells and Clonally Expanded Somatic Alk1 Mutant Endothelial Cells Contribute to the Development of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations in Mice

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids
  • 2021

Lipoprotein receptor SR-B1 deficiency enhances adipose tissue inflammation and reduces susceptibility to hepatic steatosis during diet-induced obesity in mice

• Francisca Salas • Aline Xavier • Nicolás Santander Grez

  • 2021

Enrichment of Vascular Fragments from Mouse Embryonic Brains for Endothelial Cell Analysis

• Nicolás Santander Grez • Thomas Arnold

  • REVISTA Journal of Clinical Investigation
  • 2020

Lack of Flvcr2 impairs brain angiogenesis without affecting the blood-brain barrier

• Nicolás Santander Grez • Carlos O. Lizama • Eman Meky • Gabriel L. McKinsey • Bongnam Jung

  • REVISTA Elife
  • 2020

A new genetic strategy for targeting microglia in development and disease

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Journal of Experimental Medicine
  • 2019

Impaired αVβ8 and TGFβ signaling lead to microglial dysmaturation and neuromotor dysfunction

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Biology of Reproduction
  • 2019

Ovarian cholesterol efflux: ATP-binding cassette transporters and follicular fluid HDL regulate cholesterol content in mouse oocytes+

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Journal of Cellular Biochemistry
  • 2018

Insulin increases cholesterol uptake, lipid droplet content, and apolipoprotein B secretion in CaCo-2 cells by upregulating SR-BI via a PI3K, AKT, and mTOR-dependent pathway

• Marcela Fuentes • Nicolás Santander Grez • Víctor Cortés

  • REVISTA BMC Genomics
  • 2018

Transcriptional profiling of embryos lacking the lipoprotein receptor SR-B1 reveals a regulatory circuit governing a neurodevelopmental or metabolic decision during neural tube closure

• Nicolás Santander Grez • Francisca Salas

  • REVISTA Journal of Translational Medicine
  • 2018

High density lipoprotein cholesterol and proteome in SR-B1 KO mice: lost in precipitation

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Scientific Reports
  • 2017

Deficient Vitamin E Uptake During Development Impairs Neural Tube Closure in Mice Lacking Lipoprotein Receptor SR-BI

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA BioMed Research International
  • 2014

Early Onset Intrauterine Growth Restriction in a Mouse Model of Gestational Hypercholesterolemia and Atherosclerosis

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • REVISTA Human Molecular Genetics
  • 2012

Developmental abnormalities in mouse embryos lacking the HDL receptor SR-BI

• Nicolás Santander Grez

  • 1241626
  • Abril 2024 - Diciembre 2026
AdjudicadoAgencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo - ANID

The proposal focuses on understanding the neuro-vascular aging mechanisms associated with alterations in fetal growth by intrauterine hypoxia using molecular biology and physiology as an area. The aim of the study is to demonstrate that impaired fetal growth conditions are associated with epigenetic programming of aging-related DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, and miRNA-omic profile of junctional complex genes in the neuroendothelium, which can alter BBB integrity and permeability, increasing cerebral damage which impacts the juvenile and adulthood neurocognitive function.
  • 11240017
  • Marzo 2024 - Diciembre 2026
En EjecuciónAgencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo - ANID

The brain is an energy intensive organ that requires a robust supply of nutrients and oxygen. The vasculature irrigating the brain is a huge and complex network of blood vessels fulfilling this requirement, while also protecting the neural tissue from blood-borne toxic substances. This regulated nutrient supply is accomplished by the formation of a highly selective molecular barrier, termed the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Dysfunction of the BBB or malformations of the vascular network are associated with pathological conditions that impair brain function, and can lead to death. Thus, appropriate morphogenesis and establishment of the brain vasculature is necessary for a healthy life. The brain vasculature forms during intrauterine development, matching brain growth in this same period. Anatomically, blood vessels grow first surrounding the brain primordium and then penetrate the parenchyma until they vascularize the periventricular zone. The molecular regulation of this patterned growth is not completely understood. Several signaling pathways are known to be involved in brain angiogenesis, including WNT, TGF-β, Hh, and NOTCH, which differentially regulate vascular growth. Recently, cholesterol has been shown to modulate angiogenic growth in other vascular beds by regulating the activity of the NOTCH pathway, suggesting that cholesterol levels could influence developmental angiogenesis in the brain. Interestingly, cholesterol is also required for signal transduction of the Hh pathway. In preliminary in vitro experiments, we have observed that brain endothelial cells activate an angiogenic program after cholesterol depletion. Here, we will extend those studies to in vivo models to determine the role of cholesterol in developmental brain angiogenesis. We propose that an increase in vascular cell cholesterol activates NOTCH and attenuates Hh signaling pathways, restricting sprouting angiogenesis and blood-brain barrier formation in mouse embryo brain vasculature. To test this hypothesis, we will study mouse embryos with altered cholesterol levels by dietary, pharmacological, and genetic manipulations. We expect these manipulations to induce a reduction or an increase in cholesterol levels in the brain vasculature during embryonic development, which we will evaluate by measuring cholesterol content in isolated vascular fragments. In all these models, we will (Specific aim 1) study vascularization in the brain during intrauterine development using immunofluorescence with specific antibodies against endothelium proteins. In addition, we will measure the levels of transcript and proteins of general key regulators of angiogenesis in isolated vascular fragments, using qPCR and Western blot. We will (Specific aim 2) also evaluate the state of the BBB in the brain vasculature of these models at a fetal stage when the barrier is already formed and functional. For this, we will use immunofluorescence to detect the presence of marker proteins of the BBB in vascular fragments, and we will measure their levels by Western blot. Further, we will test the functionality of the barrier by injecting a fluorescent tracer and evaluating its extravasation in the brain. Finally, we will (Specific aim 3) determine the activation of the NOTCH and Hh pathways in the brain vasculature of the models at the stage of maximal angiogenesis. We will use qPCR and Western blot to measure the levels of marker genes and proteins for these two pathways in vascular fragments, and Proximity Ligation In Situ Hybridization in tissue sections to evaluate the transcript levels of those markers in situ. We expect that the different models of dietary, pharmacological, and genetic interventions will increase or reduce cholesterol levels in the brain vasculature. These changes are expected to correlate with opposing effects on angiogenesis in the brain during development (i.e. low cholesterol will increase angiogenesis, while high cholesterol will inhibit it). In the same way, we expect that distinct cholesterol levels will have opposing effects on the integrity of the BBB. These changes in angiogenesis and BBB function are expected to be associated with concomitant disruption of the NOTCH and Hh pathways. In summary, in this proposal we aim to cover a knowledge gap regarding the role of cholesterol in the regulation of developmental angiogenesis in the brain. These experiments may uncover new mechanisms driving vascular growth and barrier establishment in the brain, which could lead to new strategies for the prevention and treatment of pathologies involving the brain vasculature.
  • R01EY034615
  • Abril 2023 - Diciembre 2026
En EjecuciónNIH National Eye Insitute

Retinal vascular diseases are major causes of vision loss in the United States and around the world. To better treat these disorders, we need to understand the signaling pathways that control the growth and integrity of retinal blood vessels. Our recent publications and preliminary data detail a novel angiogenic signaling system centered around heme, a co-factor critical for oxygen transport, metabolism, and gene transcription. We found that heme promotes angiogenic growth in the retina by regulating tip/stalk selection, and that reduced heme production or import leads to reduced retinal vascularization and tissue hypoxia, similar to other retinal vasculopathies including retinopathy of prematurity, choroidal neovascularization, and the rare but important exudative vitreoretinopathies. Furthermore, we found that VEGF suppresses, while Norrin-bCatenin promotes, the expression of the obligate endothelial heme importer, Flvcr2. Based on these data, we hypothesize that heme, is involved in retinal angiogenesis and retinal vasculopathies. The Specific Aims of this proposal are to (1) determine how heme intersects with Notch signaling to control angiogenic tip/stalk selection, (2) characterize the role for Flvcr2/heme in VEGF-induced angiogenic proliferation and neo-vascularization, and (3) determine whether induction of Flvcr2/heme signaling is sufficient and necessary to reverse the vascular defects and downstream vision changes observed in mouse models of exudative vitreoretinopathy. To accomplish these aims, we developed new tools to directly manipulate heme in cultured retinal endothelial cells and assess heme transport and intracellular trafficking in vitro. We also generated new conditional knock-in and knock-out alleles to manipulate endothelial heme transport in vivo. Our studies will fundamentally impact our understanding of how endothelial heme levels are controlled, and the role of heme in retinal angiogenesis and vascular disease.
  • 2020

Nutrients and Gene Expression in Development

Désde la página 1, hasta la página 8
Academic Press
Mete Sefa Uysal; Sara Vestergren; Yasemin Acar
Dolores Busso, Nicolás Santander Grez, Francisca Salas, José Luis Santos