Daniele Tardani Profesor Asociado

Grado Académico

Doctorado en Ciencias, mención Geología (2016), Universidad de Chile

Título(s) Profesional

Título de Geólogo (2008), Universitá degli Studi di Firenze, Italia


Daniele is a Geologist from the University of Florence and PhD in Science, mention Geology from the Universidad de Chile. In recent years he has worked in academia and in private consulting company, leading research and applied project about hydrothermal fluid circulation and trace metals transport in the upper crust and the geochemistry of soils and wáter pollution.



  • REVISTA Chemical Geology
  • 2024

Osmium and oxygen isotope constraints on magma-crust interactions and the transport of copper at the roots of arcs

• Santiago Tassara • Jay J. Ague • Duncan S. Keller • Alan D. Rooney • Jordan A.G. Wostbrock


  • REVISTA Environmental Geochemistry and Health
  • 2023

Evaluating the geogenic and anthropogenic inputs on the distribution of potentially toxic elements in urban soils of Valdivia, Chile.

• Daniele Tardani • Francisca Vera • Fernanda ÁLVAREZ-AMADO • Violeta Tolorza • Domingo Jullian Fabres


  • REVISTA Earth-Science Reviews
  • 2023

Massive Jurassic slab break-off revealed by a multidisciplinary reappraisal of the Chon Aike silicic large igneous province

• Daniele Tardani •


  • REVISTA Chemical Geology
  • 2018

Multi-element isotopic evolution of magmatic rocks from Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (Chile-Argentina): Involvement of mature slab recycled materials

• Daniele Tardani •


  • Enero 2024
  • - Enero 2027
Proyecto Adjudicado

We propose to undertake a 3-year long project, devoted to achieving a detailed comprehension of the Li dynamics and impacts, from source to sink, in the Andean salars (including Preandean and high Andean salars) of the Antofagasta Region of Chile (Fig. 1). The methodological approach is multidisciplinary and includes geological, hydrological, mineralogical, geochemical, microbiological and social techniques. The specific study cases are given by the Salar de Atacama (SDA), recognized as the most important Li brine reservoir in Chile (Cabello, 2022), and 3 salt flats domains located eastwards; these latter domains are, from south to north: Northern domain. Pujsa, Tara, and Quisquiro salt lakes. Southern domain. Capur, Talar, and Tuyajto salt lakes. Central domain. Aguas Calientes Sur and Laguna Lejia salt lakes.
  • Enero 2023
  • - Enero 2025
Proyecto En Ejecución

Implementación de una microrred de energías renovables (solar, eólica y geotérmica) en el distrito salinero artesanal Barranca-La Villa de Cáhuil. Implementación de una planta piloto geotérmica de producción de sal y electrificación de bombas y planta de yodación comunitaria mediante energías renovables no convencionales.
Investigador/a Responsable
  • Enero 2022
Proyecto Finalizado

The main aim of the present proposal is to assess, in the Western Andean Front, the magnitude and the spatiotemporal variability of deep groundwater flows and derived mountain block recharge using an original and direct collection of hydrogeological, lithological, and geophysical data. Specific objectives are: - Obj. 1: Assess the spatial variation at depth of the Abanico Formation hydraulic properties to improve the understanding of Western Andean Front fault systems and their impacts on the water transference to alluvial aquifers. - Obj. 2: Unravel the aquifer capacity of fractured rocks (i.e. Abanico Formation) and the critical zone extinction depth for groundwater flows and mountain block recharge mechanisms in the Western Andean Front of Central Chile. - Obj. 3: Estimate the mountain block recharge mechanisms regarding their quantitative (flow) and qualitative (hydrogeochemistry) aspects and assess the vulnerability of deep groundwater flows to shallow water-store variations caused by current and future hydroclimatic changes in the Western Andean Front. The study of borehole core lithological and hydraulic properties, groundwater geochemical composition, flow rates, together with spring hydraulic and hydrogeochemistry behaviors will help to fill a gap of knowledge about deep groundwater flows originating from the Principal Cordillera. This deep borehole and derived original information will therefore be used as an “eye” inside the deep Chilean Andes groundwater resources. Finally, it will be a useful observation point for multidisciplinary research due to the interest of national and international researchers to collect samples at depth and therefore will expand shared knowledge and national frontier research
  • Enero 2022
  • - Enero 2025
Proyecto En Ejecución

Ensure a secure and sustainable energy and mineral supply is a major challenge for the 21th century. Understanding the nature and evolution of hydrothermal systems can contribute to that aim by improving the effectiveness of exploration strategies for geothermal energy and precious metal epithermal deposits. Studies bridging together geochemistry and structural geology have shown that fault activity plays a critical role on fluid circulation and fluid chemical composition in hydrothermal systems. Despite the relevance of processes affecting the chemical and physical dimensions in such dynamic systems, little is known about the residence times of fluids and its metal budget in different structural contexts. Into this framework, fundamental questions arise regarding the optimal conditions leading to the development of high enthalpy geothermal resources and the formation of epithermal deposits: What is the structural control on the sources and concentration of base metals in hydrothermal fluids? How does the structural context affect the water residence times in hydrothermal systems? How does the meteoric recharge affect the geothermal systems in different structural domains? An ideal natural laboratory to address these questions is the Andean Cordillera of Central-Southern Chile, where hydrothermal systems occur in close spatial relationship with active volcanism as well as major seismically-active fault systems. Recent studies based on fluid geochemistry and noble gases isotopic composition have shown that the intersection of structural features promotes both the accumulation formation of magmatic/hydrothermal reservoir in the upper crust exerting a first-order control on hydrothermal fluid composition by conditioning residence times of magmas, promoting magma differentiation and separation of magmatic vapors. However, how similar processes are involved on residence times and metal budget of hydrothermal fluids remains unconstrained. We propose a geochemical and multi-isotopic study that integrates state-of-the-art analytical techniques to unravel the circulation times and base metals contribution from magma degassing and water- rock interaction in two volcano-tectonic settings in Southern Andes, i) the arc parallel strike-slip Liquiñe- Ofqui Fault System (LOFS) and ii) the intersection between the LOFS structures and the Andean Transverse Fault (ATF). I will integrate major and trace elements (e.g., Cu, Pb, Zn, among others) geochemistry of hot springs with water dating systems (3H-3He, 14C, U-Th/4He), noble gas (3He/4He; 40Ar/36Ar, 4He/20Ne), strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and water stable (𝛿!"𝑂, 𝛿 #𝐻) isotopes to identify the circulation times, recharge condition and metal budget of hydrothermal systems. This study will be the first to directly measure the residence times and metals contents of hydrothermal fluids in the Southern Andes of Chile. The results from the study will contribute to a better understanding of the fundamental geological and environmental controls on the evolution of hydrothermal systems. The data will directly impact the community exploring for geothermal energy in the Andes because it will help them to better constrain the formation and recharge times of geothermal reservoirs. In addition, this will be an original contribution that will impact the general geochemical science community, as no data exists on the links between residence times of hydrothermal fluids and the structural context.
Co-Investigador/aInvestigador/a Responsable
  • Enero 2022
  • - Enero 2025
Proyecto En Ejecución

Ensuring a secure and sustainable water supply is a major challenge for the 21th century. The population growth, urbanization, and industrial/agriculture expansion need an increasing water provision, delivered at a constant rate. Furthermore, under the current climate change and droughts scenarios, with the depletion of surface water storage and quality, groundwater resources are fulfilling the growing water requirement for food and energy production. Estimated data indicate that in the 2010 ́s, groundwater supplies 36% of potable water, 43% of irrigated agriculture (considering the baseflow feeding rivers, this percentage is higher), and 24% of direct industrial water supply. The groundwater use is growing at a rate of 5% per year, and by 2050, the food and water demand will increase by 50%. However, the misconceiving and oversimplification of conceptual models about groundwater recharge points out that around 25% of its use is unsustainable. These considerations highlight how identifying innovative and integrated solutions to tackle the intertwined challenges of water and climate change as well as the complex interlink between water, energy, and food supply systems under current climate variability is an increasingly major imperative for the near future. The study of the water–energy–food nexus has received increasing attention from the global scientific community, focusing on how these three elements can interact sustainably. The interdependence of water resources, energy generation, and food production depends on reliable data and information on these resources. In this context, groundwater can serve to supply water and energy demand, strengthening food security and reducing fossil fuel energy dependence. Aquifers can provide water and geothermal energy, a clean baseload resource independent from weather conditions, which could significantly contribute to energy needs, improved air quality and food production as well as to reach the decarbonization targets. This combined aquifer’s use improvement could be especially relevant in urban areas where more than 50% of the world’s population lives and which is forecast to increase to 68% by 2050 with associated greenhouse gas emissions growth up to 80%. Aquifers are important heat reservoirs because groundwater flow is a powerful heat carrier, which can help achieve a more sustainable water-energy-food management, representing a major challenge to improving water, energy, and food security. In fact, by 2050, the demand for water and food is expected to increase by 60%, and the energy demand will be practically doubled. In this proposal, the WEF nexus will be specially addressed from the point of view of resources to generate the necessary knowledge to understand its complexity in Central Chile, and that will provide a timely transfer of the existing connections to decision makers and society. The aim of this study will be to comprehend the recharge and connection of surface and ground water in Central Chile and unravel their relationship with energy and food production. In this sense, the focus is on evaluating the hydrological cycle from mountain areas to the lowlands and evaluating the possibility that water resources can generate enough heat for direct geothermal projects. These results, calculated based on real and current water data, will provide valuable information for the energy transition in Central Chile and will be an instrument to evaluate the real possibility of greenhouse gas reduction. Food production not only needs water but also to increase its resilience to extreme events (frost, heavy rains, etc.), so the relationship between water availability, production per hectare, and geothermal energy (direct use) to stabilize crop conditions will be explored.